Float in a weightless world
Experience incredible emotions discovering new amazing underwater worlds with our diving school.

About our
diving club
Do you dream of diving? Do you want to dive into the fantastic underwater world of the ocean? Our experienced instructors will not only help you explore the underwater world, but also teach you how to interact with it. All you have to do is contact us and we promise to provide you with everything you need to dive. We guarantee your safety underwater so you can relax and enjoy the underwater world. Time to make your dream come true!

We use
technological diving equipment
We guarantee your safety underwater so you can relax and enjoy the underwater world. Time to make your dream come true!

We teach divers from any level
Experience incredible emotions discovering new amazing underwater worlds with our diving school.
Video Lesson
Diving with an instructor
Red Sea, Africa
Red Sea, Africa

Check our courses
Experience incredible emotions discovering new amazing underwater worlds with our diving school.

First scuba dive
First dive in a pool or open water under the guidance of our instructors.
You will experience an incredible new sensation of freedom underwater, feel weightlessness and discover the incredible underwater world!

Diving for children
Child will discover the world of diving and learn to dive correctly and safely.
The course includes 4 lessons in theory and 8 lessons in diving practice. At the end of the course, the child receives an international certificate.

Basic course for beginners
On this course you will learn to dive safely and become a certified diver.
The course includes 4 lessons in theory and 8 lessons in diving practice. At the end of the course, the you receive an international certificate.

If you are already a professional...
If you are a professional, we are passionate about diving! But we have something to surprise you. Amazing unexplored places and experiences are waiting for you!
2 replies on “REBREATHER vs. BOTELLAS OC”
Releyendo estos antiguos Blogs, y muy especialmente éste, me invade un sentimiento de pena por la desaparición de uno de los más grandes en el mundo del Rebreather, y echaré de menos esas largas conversaciones con Jordi Mateo sobre la conveniencia o no del Rebreather, sea usado como medio o como herramienta, que motivó el escrito.
A la vez, mientras recuerdo y rememoro, me reafirmo en mis convicciones de cuál es el uso adecuado de un CCR y si el objetivo de la inmersión es suficiente como para asumir los riesgos que comporta. Podríamos debatir eternamente al respecto… pero es una lástima que el que hubiera sido el contrincante perfecto nos haya abandonado.
Jordi, descansa en paz, y disfruta del silencio.
Sergi, tu ya conoces mi postura con respecto a la polemica OC Vs CC, pero te escribo esto para agradecerte y hacer mias tus palabras con respecto al mas grande de los buceadores de rebreather de España y uno de los mejores del mundo, Jordi Mateo.
Jordi disfruta del silencio.